Spirit Horse Wales
I was super-inspired to watch this video on the challenges of building a community, which was shared via a Land/Share/Barter Telegram group I am part of.
The guy speaking (Shivam O’Brien) is the founder of Spirit Horse community in Wales, which he created way back in 1990.
It’s fascinating to hear the challenges they have experienced over many years ~ both with Members, as well as dealing with the ‘Authorities’.
It’s well worth a watch!
Both this video and our recent trip to Lammas brought it home to me that communities never escape challenges and conflicts, so the key is to ensure that there are processes in place to manage conflict which (crucially) all Members respect and are fully open to participating in.
For more information on Spirit Horse visit https://www.spirithorse.co.uk
Rachel x
If the video resonates and you are interested in being part of our Cressbrook Dale Community please sign up here: https://source.tv/become-a-friend-of-love-cressbrook-dale/