Healing Has Happened

With regard to the caravan sited on Litton Frith Farm:


Steve has now vacated the site. The caravan vanished at the same time too. We have reported its theft to the Police (see post ‘9th CRIME REPORT’ for the Crime Reference if you have any information on its theft or whereabouts). It had been completely trashed anyway. We are in the process of tidying the site. We took the pic above of the immediate aftermath on Friday 11 August 2023 ~ noticing afterwards the four orbs. We took this to be a good sign that a healing had happened.


At the recommendation of the Police, following 8 Crime Reports involving theft and criminal damage which are now categorised as ‘Serious - Hate Crime’ (which we believe were either carried out by the more militant fringe of local villagers or incited by the local Hate Campaign against us) we brought full time Security on site.

Steve is an experienced farm worker and trained woodsman. He is not a member of Cressbrook Dale Estate Private Members’ Association, simply someone who offered to help us.

Regular walkers of Cressbrook Dale will have noticed that many of the fallen trees around the site have now been attended to by Steve.

However we acknowledge that the area around the caravan where he is based has descended into an eyesore and is not in keeping with the majestical beauty of this land.

However we also recognise that what has manifested is a material realm mirror of much of the ugliness which has occurred over the past year.

The professionally trained trauma healers within our community perceive that the mess is what unresolved trauma looks like. In view of his isolation, we have suggested to Steve that he now returns to his home in Wales and we are holding the space of love, compassion and healing.

Meanwhile, the local Hate Campaign has wasted no time in capitalising on this difficult situation by taking photographs of Steve’s private living space (which is on our privately owned property) without his prior knowledge or consent ~ which is both trespass, as well as a violation of Steve’s Human Rights.

‘He who is without [clutter] among you, let him be the first to cast a stone…’ JOHN 8:7

We are also curious as to why (according to Steve) the main spokesperson of the local Hate Campaign John Butler (of Cressbrook) has been leaving gift cards containing cash for Steve, as well as regularly supplying him with flapjacks and other sustenance. Maybe we’ve been set up?

Nonetheless, we remain committed to healing the entire conflict situation so that peace and joy for all may be restored ~ both within Cressbrook Dale and across the entire planet.

Thank you for reminding us of our Bodhisattva Vows.

May the heartbeat of Earth’s crystal core bless us with harmonies to end all War.

Aho Mitakuye Oyasın ~ for ALL our relations


LOVE - not lies & hatred


9th Crime Report