Cressbrook U turn
We have been alerted to a sign on the Cressbrook Social Club door that we have apparently been banned.
Clearly ‘Everyone Is NOT Welcome Here’ !!!
Cressbrook Institute (as the Social Club was originally known) was financed and built in 1899 - the original ‘Summer of Love’ - as a gift to The People by Mary Worthington, one of the previous ‘Enlightened Patrons’ of Cressbrook.
The irony is, of course, that Institute Row (now called Middle Row) was originally ancient woodland (much like Cressbrook Dale) which was razed to the ground by the Victorians to make way for all the houses and buildings which now stand there.
We feel certain that dear old Mary is currently turning in her grave.
We also wish to make it clear that everything we have done thus far at Cressbrook Dale is well within our lawful rights as farmowners